Khaled Saleh ... originally confectioner

Khaled Saleh ... originally confectioner

It is not true that we only saw and sensed love in the faithful demonstration around his body when thousands went to witness the moments of separation, love has always been inherent in our star warm feelings throughout his career until his farewell at dawn.

Why he choose dawn? I imagine it is his desire to embrace the virginity of life even if he didn’t precept, always through many details and special experiences I find that the will of the deceased embodied in us and carry out their wishes, even it is not registered. Was Khalid's desire to move from Aswan to reach Cairo to say goodbye after dawn prayers.

Do they feel after leaving? Often I asked this when I lose a dear one? I am convinced that they remain in contact, but by other means they send codes to communicate with us.

He is an artist of sparkles and I imagine he would continue to send them from the other world.

Khaled Saleh is the brightest of his generation, since the end of the nineties he was the intimacy and will remain also the title with the passage of time.

He is one of those who God gives an exceptional talent with a creative message that he sends to people to live after us, he has achieved his mission until the final scene.

Khaled Saleh died to live on the screen, and when we remember one of his works we find that he is born once again.

Tarek El Shenawi